The general objective of the study was to ascertain the relationship between smelter emissions and human health in and around Selebi-Phikwe. In Botswana BCL mine in Selebi-Phikwe is the leading producer of gaseous emissions in the country. The area of study consisted of locations in the town of Selebi-Phikwe and the surrounding villages, which were Mmadinare to the west, Bobonong and Tobane to the east, and Sefophe to the south. According to Ekosse (2004) there were high incidence rates of respiratory cases such as coughs and common colds recorded in the local health facilities. However it had not yet been shown that occurrence of respiratory diseases was due to smelter emissions from the mine. Therefore the undertaken study was to test the hypothesis whether there was a relationship between production of gaseous emissions from BCL copper-nickel
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