Self-service was introduced in Senegal in 1950 by the "Société Commerciale de l'Ouest Africain" (SCOA). Since then, however, like in most other African countries, it has not developed. In Senegal, self-service stores are perceived by the middle consumer as catering for a certain social class, with incomes higher than the national middle income. Our question is thus : given that consumer perception, what marketing strategy can be considered in order to help in the implantation of self-service selling points in Senegal? To corne to grips with that research question, we made first a literature review, second a qualitative study based on an interview guide addressed to five business leaders in distribution enterprises, and an additional one addressed to the relevant Senegalese authorities. Third, we implemented a quantitative study using a questionnaire with a sample of two hundred consumers in Dakar's population. Out of four initial hypotheses, three were accepted. One is based on content
analysis, and the two others, on Chi-square tests. The content analysis allowed us to demonstrate that the key obstacle to the development of modem trade business is the informai sector. Recommendations aim to improve the commercial environment in favor of self-service and at helping businessman and woman in the implantation of self-service stores adapted to the local Senegalese context.
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