The impact of planning legislations and housing standards on the health of Ibadan city residents
Housing planning, regulations, urban environment, quality control, residential areas, building codes, health, planning, legislation, quality of housing, Ibadan, NigeriaSynopsis
This study exammes the health implications of non - compliance of planning
regulations and housing standards on the residents in the city of Ibadan. To achieve this
aim, a number of objectives were set forth which include: a review of the existing physical
planning legislations including building standards in Nigeria in general and Oyo state in
particular, · an exmination of the extent to which the buildings in the three density areas of
Ibadan (Low, Medium and High) conform to the existing building standards and planning
regulations; an examination of the effect of deviations of these houses from normal housing
standards on the various health attributes of the inhabitants and a suggestion of how the
planning regulations can be made more responsive to the health attributes and aspiration of
the study area.
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