The Impact of Land Tenure on Resource Allocation, Land Conservation and Agricultural Productivity in Rural Areas of Enugu State
Land tenure, resource allocation, agricultural productivity, land ownership, crop rotation, property rights, land use, farmersSynopsis
This study was conducted to critically determine the impact of land
tenure on resource allocation, land conservation and agricultural productivity
in rural areas of Enugu State. The study was carried out as a result of
persistent problems imposed by land tenure arrangement especially in the
area of agricultural production in Nigeria despite the introduction of various
policies and programmes.
The orientation of this study was guided by three hypotheses namely;
land tenure has no significant impact on resource allocation patterns of
' '
farmers; land tenure has no significant impact on land conservation practices·
of farmers and land tenure has no significant impact- on agricultural
' J • ' productivity of farmers . A random sele,ction of-120 farmers was made from
the six agricultural communitie,s randomly selected. The data obtained were
..• r
analysed using descri.I?tive statistics, analysis of variance and test of
differences between means.
It was found that there were basically four types of land tenure
systems in the study area namely, Communal, family, individual and state
land ownership. However, individual land tenure which·is characterized by
high c;Iegree of permanence and security was the most common.
With respect to resource allocation patterns, family labour, hired
labour, purchased seeds and organic manure were highly employed in almost
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