Entrepreneurial Factors Influencing Performance of Community Based Health Financing Schemes in Kibera Informal Settlement in Nairobi City County, Kenya


Erastus Thoronjo Muriuki
the Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology


Entrepreneurial Factors, Health, Financing, Kibera Informal Settlement, Nairobi City County, Kenya


The purpose of this study was to evaluate entrepreneurial factors influencing performance of community-based health financing schemes in Kibera informal settlement in Nairobi City County, Kenya. The specific objectives of this study were:
to determine how innovative practices influence performance of Community Based Health Financing schemes; to evaluate how dimensions of proactiveness influence performance of Community Based Health Financing schemes; to examine how risk taking by Community Based Health Financing Schemes influence their performance; to evaluate the influence of firm size on the performance of Community Based Health Financing schemes; and to assess the influence of location of schemes on the
performance of Community Based Health Financing schemes, at Kibera informal settlement in Nairobi City County, Kenya. The research adopted a descriptive research design. Target population constituted eight registered CBHF schemes in Kibera informal settlement, which included Fri Pals-Mashimoni, Ushirika-Kianda, Jamii Bora trust and Chemi-Chemi. The sample size of the study was 250. Primary data were collected using an interview guide and a semi-.structured questionnaire, which was administered to respondents from sampled schemes. The data processing and analysis were mainly by use of linear multiple regression analysis through use of SPSS version 21. Analyzed data were presented in graphs, pie charts and tables. The Key findings of the study indicated that CBHF innovativeness did not have significant effect on the performance of the CBHFs while risk taking and proactiveness of CBHFs had significant effect on the performance of the CBHFs. The size of the scheme and its location were analysed. The size of the scheme was found to be insignificant and location variables indicated significant effect on the performance of the schemes. The study found some similar characteristics in product innovation, use of technology and creation of unique products and services. The study established that performance of CBHFs was influenced by the proactiveness of the CBHFs in aspects such as in selection, training, use of liberating strategies and inspiring proactive behaviour. Further, the study established that risk taking was important and influenced the performance of the CBHFs especially when pooling of resources. The study also revealed that innovative aspects, proactiveness and risk taking factors affect the performance of CBHFs in three dimensions which are: enhanced organizational knowledge through provision of better terms for the employees and work environments, entrepreneurial knowledge such as training to enhance performance and maintenance of open door policies, and lastly, performance based on entrepreneurial commitment in areas such as identifying markets and aggressive marketing of products. The study recommends that CBHFs should significantly enhance their innovative methods through training of the members in order to provide improved quality and increased capacity of goods and services, improve flexibility for producing and enhance entrepreneurial spirit to all members. The study highly recommends government involvement and support, that would enhance and create enabling environment, Schemes policies, and access to finance to promote the performance of community-based health financing schemes in informal settlement in Kenya.


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June 21, 2023


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