Interdépendance de la mégabiodiversité Malagasy et de la viabilité apicole pour les marchés de Niche
Biodiversité, apiculture, développement durable, production agricole, protection de l'environnement, MadagascarSynopsis
The interdependence of biodiversity and beekeeping enables people to have ecosystem services that enable them to conserve, exploit and develop their territories while respecting the principles of sustainable development. The rich biodiversity of Madagascar favors the environment of apiculture practice. However, the interdependence of biodiversity and beekeeping is poorly valued by communities, especially agricultural holdings in their production; Very little investment and support from the beekeeping sector for conservation and / or development have been successful; The valorisation of the products coming from terroir like the honey virtually does not exist. This work deals with the importance of the externalities of Malagasy biodiversity and beekeeping with a view to the conquest of niche markets by the valorization of products from the terroirs such as honey for the development of territories. Various forms of data collection have been carried out in different agro-ecological zones in Madagascar. The data obtained made it possible to make descriptions of landscapes, diagnostic analyzes of the spatial environments of beekeeping farms, analyzes of behavioral logic and actors' actions including beekeeping farms, modeling
of externalities as well as strategic and Risk assessments. The findings relate to the challenges faced by apiculture farms, practicing organizations and the State in the implementation of a biodiversity conservation and development project such as beekeeping; The logics of apiculture farms in their methods of exploitation and valorisation of their apicultural potential, including those that are melliferous in their localities and the stakes resulting from the externalities of biodiversity and beekeeping in terms of conducting production systems, Quantity and quality of production and value added; The dynamics of exploitation and valorization of the products coming from the terroirs like the honey by the communities; And the strategies of apiculture farms in the management of beekeeping risks. The elements found constitute elements of a new approach that should not be overlooked in the context of conducting a conservation-development project, enhancing the landscapes of a territory for the welfare of biodiversity, pollinators and populations; Of the valorisation of agricultural products in a zone with a high biodiversity, of decision-making in relation to the investment in beekeeping in Madagascar and the conquest of niche markets.