A critical appraisal of the factors responsible for law community participation in immunization programmes in Katsina local government area, Katsina state
Immunization, rural communities, health centres, social participation, health control, mortality, participation rate, mortality control, NigeriaSynopsis
The investigator carried out this study to find
out the factors militating against effective community
participation in immunization programmes in Katsina
Local Government of Katsina State. The study anchored
on demographic transition model.
In undertaking the research, six working
hypotheses were formulated. Two communities of Katsina
metropolis and Shinkafi were sampled out for study
through the use of simple random sampling. A sample
size of 500 mothers were selected from both communities.
300 of the women were chosen from Katsina metropolis
which is a semi urban area while Zoo were picked from
Shinkafi which is a rural community. These were the
group of people who supplied my data.
In order to obhain the desired information a 47 -
item questionnaire was constructed and administered
to the mothers in the form of interview. Five female
field assistants were recruited and trained for the
excercise. It was based on the responses that analysis
was made.
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