Knowledge, attitude and use of contraceptive methods among unmarried polytechnic students in Ibadan, Nigeria.
Contraceptive methods, sex education, students, unmarried persons, contraceptives, aids, sexually transmitted infections, sexual behaviour, NigeriaSynopsis
Premarital sexual activity among the youth has been observed·to be on the
increase worldwide while knowledge and use of contraceptives have bee~ reported
to be low. The medical and social èonsequences of this early onset of sexual
' '
activity among the youth are enormous; for example, teenage pregnancy, abortiôn
and its complications, difficult labour, high rates of school dropouts and high rates
of divorce and marital disharmony.
A cross-sectional survey was carried out at the Ibadan Polytechnic to
determine the knowledge, attitude and use of contraceptive methods among
unmarried students. A total of 750 unmarried students comprising 380 ':'ales
(50.7%) and 370 females (49.3%) resident in the hostels of the polytechnic,
Ibadan were studied. Selection was by stratified random sampling technique and
data collection was done using a pretested, self administered qu~stionnaire.
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