Economic Analysis of Beekeeping in Enugu State of Nigeria
Apiculture, economic analysis, honey, bee, beekeeper, NigeriaSynopsis
In this work, the financial and economic analysis of beekeeping
enterprise in Enugu state were carried out. Specifically, the study
examined the socio-economic characteristics of al?/pulturists in the
study area, determined the financial and other · requirements for
entering into the business (including the beekeepers' sources of initial
capital and the profitability of the enterprise}, ascertained the effects of
farmers' socio-economic factors and other variables on bee keeping,
examined the marketing arrangements for the farmers' products, and
identify the apiculturists' problems in the study area.
Data was collected using two sets of pre-tested questionnaires
and participatory observation. In all, 50 beekeepers and 50 bee
product buyers, making a total of 100 respondents, were randomly
selected from five purposively chosen local markets .and their local
government areas in Enugu state.
The data collected were analyzed using percentages, means,
frequencies, multiple regression, gross margin and net income.
Findings showed that traditional beekeeping was more
predominant than the improved (modem} beekeeping which was new
in this study area. Beekeeping was based on low capital inputs, which
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