Extension communication patterns in oyo state agricultural development programme
Agricultural extension, agricultural development, agricultural information, extension services, agricultural engineering, agriculture, extension communication, Oyo, NigeriaSynopsis
The Oyo-state Agricultural Development Programme was
designed to support increased agricultural production in the
state. There were many improved agricultural technologies
and farm information available in the programme but the
extension communication for dissemination of these improved
agricultural technologies between research and extension
workers on one band, and between these agencies and farmers
of the programme has not been studied.
The specific objectives of the study were to examine
the organizational structure of the programme so as to
identify those involved in disseminating farm information
and agricultural technologies, to identify the stock of
improved agricultural technologies available and to
determine channels of communication between the research and
extension workers and between these agencies and the
farmers. For the respondents, the study was to determine
their socio-economic characteristics which have influence on
their frequency of contact.
To achieve the stated objectives, data for the study
was collected between November 1990 and March, 1991 from the
following number and categories of respondents, 9 research
workers, 150 village leveî extension staff and 120
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