
Lanre Olusegun IKUTEYIJO




The Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) scourge has proven to be a complex epidemic where the individual behaviour, determined by various social, economic and political factors has added to its fast spread. For the past few decades, the epidemic has been spreading across the world sparing no country. It makes no difference as to the ethnic, racial, religious, cultural, age, gender, educational level, political affiliation or social economic status of the people being infected (Rady, 2004). It is also no respecter of the social status of individuals; free citizens are as prone as prisoners. The first incidence of the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) in Nigeria was in 1986 (National Population Commission and ORC Macro.2004: 169; UNAIDS, 2002). But today, Nigeria is one of the high-risk countries of HIV/AIDS in the world. The prevalence rate has reached a threshold of 5.8% (Federal Ministry of Health, 2001). The explanation for this increase and sustained high prevalence rate is related to the level of awareness of the disease amongst the people. Reports have it that a sizeable number of Nigerians are not aware of threats and prevention of the disease (National Population Commission and ORC Macro, 2004; UNAIDS, 2002: 172).


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February 12, 2008