Socio-economic characteristics of convicted female hard-drug traffickers in Nigerian prisons
This study examines the socio-economic characteristics of
convicted female hard-drug traffickers in Nigerian prisons. It is
also meant to ascertain the extent of female involvement in drug
trafficking and how it has led to the abuse and degradation of the
"dignity of the woman". The study also examines the correctional
policies for convicted traffickers; it aims at discovering the
underlying guiding principles and at determining its effectiveness
and efficiency regarding the attainment of set goals.
The researcher has opted for the functionalist perspective.
Functionalists view society as a system. They develop the
conception of society as "self-contained systems" which consist of
interrelated and interdependent parts. These are said to perform
functions which maintain and equilibrate the whole, in so far as
they are believed to be mutually supportive of, and compatible
with, one another.
Most of the information for this study are collected through
·interviews, questionnaire schedules and personal observations.
These three methods were used in order to provide for adequate and
comprehensive study.
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