The impact of rural banking scheme on agriculture and rural development in Anambra State
Banking, agriculture, rural development, banks, savings, credit, agricultural credit, Anambra State, NigeriaSynopsis
The primary concern of this research was to determine the
impact of the Rural Banking Scheme (RBS) policy of the Federal
Government on the rural sector, agricultural and non-agriculture;
and the eJ:tent the scheme has achieved its stated objectives,
in Anambra State., The study covered 10 rural bank branches selected
purposively i'rom ·the five agr:l.cultural zones in the state.. Two
hundred rural dwellers (f'a.r1!lers and non-i'anners) were ra.ndomly
sampledo Secondary cJ.ata from the official publications o~ the
CBN, ban.king journals, barut•s statement of accounts and annual
reports; and other relevant materials and literature were reviewed.,
The result of the study shows that the scheme created a lot
of impact 011 the rural dwellers in their agricultural and rural
development in the state .. ln regard to compliance with the CBN
directives on establishment of branches, the scheme performed well
in the state. The ban.'i<s recorded a 95 percent and a 100 percent
performances in the first and second phases of the scheme respectively.
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