Développement d'un système expert pour le marketing des produits nouveaux
Expert systems, marketing, new products, computer programs, data baseSynopsis
The marketing decision making is based models and accumulated experience of daily practice. both on formalised the expert in his To translate, by computer, this decisional process in the marketing of new products we have used: A new tool of the Artificiel Intelligence: ''The System" to translate the subjective raisonning of the thumb. approximative raisonning. etc) . expert
(rules The classical programming bases. speadsheets) to formalised raisonning.( classical translate programs, data the models of To ·realize our expert system called : NEW. we have: extracted the knowledges in the marketing of new produtsi. formafised these knowledges.' represented the knowledges using the generator of expert· systems: .GURU.
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