Disasters, urban areas, manmade disasters, floods, fires, vulnerability, Ibadan, NigeriaSynopsis
The study undertakes a vulnerability analysis of Ibadanmetropolis to human-induced disasters.
The term human-induced disaster is used asitis believed that disasters are not natural in the real sense
ofit. It is hazard that are natural. Some socio-economic and environmental factors such as income per
annum, wall material, distance ofw ater bodies, conditio..n ofd rainage channel and so forth were identified
and used as vulnerability variables. Eighteen of these variables were compressed into five dimensions
using the method of multivariate technique offactor analysis.
The result show for instance that high density localities are more vulnerable to disease hazards
under the first component which is the cleanliness dimension. Other components equally point to
localities where some othertypes of vulnerability are highest. A further processing of the result of the
factoranalysiswas done using the method of Analysis ofV ariance (ANOV A). This is to know whether
factors of vulnerability differ significantly within and between localities under the five component
loadings. The result also show that there are significant differences.
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