Factors Influencing Adoption Behaviour of Women Farmers in Rural Areas of Oke-Ogun in Oyo State: A case study of improved Cassava Varieties. Adoption of Improved Cassava Varieties by Women, Farmers in Rural Areas of Oke-Ogun, Oyo State.
Rural women, farmers, cassawa, agricultural production, women farmers, cassava processing, NigeriaSynopsis
The major objective of this study is to undertake an analysis of the adoption
behaviour of · women far!llers in the rural areas of Oke-Ogun of Oyo State:
Three Local Government Areas were purposiyely selected out of eleven in the
area of study. A totar of one-nihidred and'fifty-five women farmers were randomly
selected proportional to the number of wom~eμ-farmers in each of the selected farming
communities in each Local Government Area. Structured interview schedules duly
pretested before use were employed in collectin~ information needed from the
respondents. Simple descriptive statistical tools such as frequency count, percentage,
mean, bar and pie-charts, and graph were made used of in analysing the data collected
from the respondents. Appropriate statistical tools such as chi-square, regression
analysis, multiple regression, and correlation analysis were used in testing the null
hypotheses set for the study.
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