




The rural-urban migration and the effects of the economic recession of 1980s in most of thedeveloping countries has greatly reduced the capacity of urban-based modern sector to absorb the  surplus labour. It is thus, the aim of this study to find out how the urban informal sector, sometimes referred to as "labour sponge 11, responds to this challenge. To achieve this, auto-vehicle repair activity in a fast growing medium­ urban centre is chosen. A number of objectives were then set which include: an examination of the characteristics of the informal sector participants (mechanics), the structural characte istics, the size and the spatial distribution of the auto-vehicle rèpair enterprises. Their contributions to the development process of the urban economy was equally explored. One hundred and fifty questionnaires were administered among six me·chanic zones in Osogbo. Secondary infc:;>rmation was collected from the two local governments in the town, the state ministry of works and housing, the Osun State·capital· Territory Development Authority (OSCTDA) and the Nigerian Automobile Technicians Association (NATA) Osogbo Branch. Two· bàsic hypotheses were tested: the relationship between the size of employment and the size of auto-vehicle repair workshops; and the effects of socio-economic characteristics of the mechanics on the size of the informal establishment.


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July 20, 1998

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Physical Dimensions