The politics of economic diplomacy under the Babangida administration
Foreign policy, international politics, economic development, diplomacy, structural adjustment, debtSynopsis
This study analysed the politics of Economie Diplomacy
under the Babangida administration. Economie Diplomacy, as a i naugurated in .June .1988 as a put~por·tedly net,\1
policy initiative. The main aim of the policy was to help
sell Nigeria to the International business community as
necessited by SAP. The incentives put in place encouraged
massive foreign participation in the economy. The purpose of
the research, therefore, was to generate data, dissect them
and see how successtul Economie Diplomacy has been in
realising Nigeria"s foreign policy objectives.
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June 20, 1994
Copyright (c) 1994 CODESRIA Books Publication System