Irrigation water use in a farm on the Delimi Floodplain, near Jos plateau State
Irrigation, crop yield, water utilization, agriculture, soils, drainageSynopsis
The spread in irrigated agriculture, particularly
with the introduction of the mechanical pumps informed
the need for the study on irrigation water use on the
Delimi Floodplain.
An attempt was made to provide answers to the
questions of when irrigation was necessary for the different
crops cultivated within a farm area and the volume
of water required for this purpose throughout the dry
To achieve this, data was collected on soil samples
over a three-day i.crigation interval, while water application
was directl·r observecl over a thirty-day period to
ascertain irrigation time, discharge and the volume of
water usad in the various crop fields.
Results obtained from the study showed that the
total volume of water required for all the crops during
the dry season, given a total farm area of 2384m2 was
3.097 X 106 m3. The result also revealed that the various
crops were closely associated with certain soil types,
with Lettuce and Tomatoes thriving on a wider range.
The variation in the characteristics of these soils
reflected on the different refilling points for the
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