Archaelogical evidence regarding diet on the north Kenyan swahili coast between ca. 8th and 17th centuries A.D.
Nutrition, diet, food crops, archaelogy, coasts, KenyaSynopsis
This thesis examines the archaeological evidence on the Swahili people dietary
practices between Ca. 8th and 17th centuries A.O. The study analyzes the extent to
which the environment influenced the procurement of food on the north Kenyan Swahili
coast. The study adopts a model which relates the Swahili dietary system and economic
strategies to the local environment based on culture history.Evidence for this study draws from the 1987-88 excavations carried out at
U ngwana by George Abungu as well as the 1980-84 excavations at Shanga by Mark
Horton.. Data from ethnographic observations and documentary accounts were also
examined. An in-depth study of the ecofact from Ungwana and Shanga was carried out.
Further, fauna! analysis of the excavated materials from the aforementioned sites was
Evidence adduced from the research carried out indicate that ·there was lack of
direct floral remains. However, ceramic and non-ceramic finds offered "indirect" yet
worth evidence of the use of crop foods in the Swahili dietary system. In most cases,
the inferences made from the floral evidence about the existence of certain foodstuff
among the Swahili concurs with similar assert.ions of the early historical accounts and
ethnographic observations. There are however, discrepancies in some of tl1e type,
quantity and place where the foods are reported.
Abdulaziz, M.A. (1979), Muyalm - Nh1eteentli Century S,vali11 Poptilrtr Poetry. Nairobi: Kenya Literature Bureau.
Abungu, G.H.O. (1989), "Communities oh the River TaHa. Kenya: Ati Archaeological Study of Relations Betweeil the belta and the River Basin, 700-1890 A.D." Unpublished Ph.b. Thesis, University of Cambridge.
AbuilgU, G.H.O. and H.W. Mutoro. (1993), "Coast -Interior Settletnents and Social Relations in the Kenya Coastal Hinterland" In Shaw, P. Sinclair, B. Andah and A. Okpoko (eds.) The Archaeology of Ai'ric!I: t<'ood, Metals & Towns. London, New York: Routledge.