
M.Abdoulaye KANE




In the whole world, poor people suffer more damages related to envirorunent They bear the biggest proportion of diseases and death provoked by pollution and they are the first victimes of the world natural degradation They live next to polluating factories and toxical dump. They are the most affected by desertification and deforestation and they may even suffer in disproportionate levels from the rise in the temperature impacts. The drought of the 1970 in the south of the Sahara and in the Sahel, coupled with the hunger of the 1980 in Ethiopia, has tragically and spectaculary focused people's attention on the seriousness of the ecological crisis in Africa. The rural communities of Mpal and Sakai, (33 k..m from Saint-Louis in the North of Senegal has not become an exception to the rule). Throughout a questionnaire, we have chosen to cross a variety of methods, life staries and the use of MARP tools. The anthropical causes, coupled with the whims of the cl(mate have seriously deteriorated the biodiversity in this ecological area. The variation of people, related to migratory movements, are the reasons behind, the creation of the rural community Mpal. The growth of the population and the arable lands, the drastic cuts of the trees for the fabrication of charcoal and the use of craft industry and pharmacopoeia as well was the gravicy of the current drought, on the other hand, are the main factors of the biodiversicy and the aggravation of poverty. The reasons for this Joss of biodiversity are multidimensional. The most important reasons are related to four main categories:
- natural causes,
- anthropical causes,
- legal causes,
- and institutional or scientific causes.
The drought has intensely affected the biological diversicy. It brought about major causes and threats such the strong' of water, land and erosion.The lost of biodiversity and increase of poverty are chiefly due to anthropical acts. These acts
make themselves felt through the clearing of the forest, poverty, the over exploitation of the forest resources, poaching, bush fires ànd ·µoffuB'ôn.The legal causes are attributed to the absence of regulation and. to a legal vacuum in most cases,.
or simply to a lack of implementation of regulations. The scientific or institutional causes are due to a shortfall in technical and scientific knowledge on one hand, and on the other, to people's low level of education and training. It was against that
background that an N.G.O, namely GREEN SENEGAL stepped in to help people to reinstate and safeguard their environment, which is a prerequisite for ever lasting development.


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February 12, 2002

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