Development communication and Empowerment in Nigeria: the case of the Press 1999-2002
Press, development communication, mass media, NigeriaSynopsis
This study examined how the press engendered genuine participation and enhanced empowerment in Nigeria between 1999 and 2002. To achieve this objective, a survey, using questionnaires, was conducted in six Nigerian cities, representing the six geopolitical regions in Nigeria and Abuja, the Federal Capital. Six hundred (600) questionnaires were distributed and subjects were picked randomly according to a distribution of 100 in each city. The data analysis was done on computer using the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) software. Our findings demonstrate that the existing press systems in Nigeria do not serve the developmental needs of the totality of Nigerians - but serve an insignificant but powerful urban elite, while relegating the majority of Nigerians. It is also clear from this study that this failure of the press is due mostly to the
undemocratic structures of media institutions which operate in a vertical, authoritarian direction, with the concentration of power, resources and services of the media in urban centres. These media, therefore, transmit the values and ideology of the ruling elite. Thu's, the study concludes that the Nigerian press, in its current structure, focus, content, language and flow of information, only caters for a limited number of urban Nigerians and consequently does not promote the much sought after participation and empowerment for developmental purposes. Hence, the study recommends the democratisation of the Nigerian communications system by increasing participation that will enhance grassroots empowerment and development. These communications media, especially radio and the vernacular press, need to be located amongst the rural populace. This will give the majority of Nigerians access not only to the messages produced by others, but also the means to produce and distribute their own messages - thus promoting participation and empowerment.
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