The Relationship between Nuptiality and Fertility in Yoruba Society: a Study of Ila- Orangun, Osun State, Nigeria
Nuptiality, fertility, marriage, divorce, family planning, contraceptives, religion, knowledge, NigeriaSynopsis
Marriage is central to understanding historical
populations and the Not only is marriage the
event in the human lifecycle which precipitate family
formation, but also marriage patterns are the primary
surface on which fertility levels are inscribed. Age
at marriage and proportion married determine females'
exposure to risk of pregnancy.
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This study investigated the relationship between
nuptiali ty '.and f ertili ty in Ila-Orangun. The study
utilized recently gathered survey data from 312 respondents
(women aged 20-49) and 12 indepth interviews, with
6 men and 6 women within the age group 15-49. Men are
included, in order to capture their C)inion on our
research topic.
Data are ··gatliërêâ wi th the aid o.f structured
interview and unstructured indepth interview. The
theoretical orientation is a synthesis of'structuralfunctionalism
and Bongaarts proximate determinants
Adegbola, O. and H.J. Page (1979) "Nuptiality and Fertility in Metropolitan Lagos: Components and Compensating Mechanism" Nuptiality and Fertility (Lado Ruzulrn, ed) International Union for the Scientific Study 6f Population, .Liege.
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