Nagging wife killer freed after custody: A gender analysis of domestic homicide in Zambia
Women, violence, homicide, human rights, weapons, courts, law, ideologies, gender, gender violence, ZambiaSynopsis
Tlùs dissertation is based on 150 cases of the killings and alleged killings of women by intimate
partners or family members in Zambia from 1973-96. The datais derived from a larger sample of
cases of fatal gender violence, known as The Femicide Register. Ail were collected by the
researcher and others between September 1993 and July 1996 for the Young Women's Christian
Association (YWCA) of Zambia. The cases were recorded from police files, newspaper articles or
personal accounts from relatives of the deceased women. The data also includes a testimony by
two women whose daughter/sister was killed by her husband. Tlùs testimony, together with the
cases and ail tables of data, are presented as appendices at the back of the dissertation.
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