This study on perceptions of resources and services, and information seeking characteristics of postgraduate students has a two-fold purpose:
(i) to analyse their perceptions of.resources and services at Kenyatta University
(ii) to examinetheir informatiôn_seeking characteristics.
The underlying theoretical framework of this study is that information seeking characteristics of a community are due to a number of interrelated actors within and without the information environment in which the community works.This study had two hypotheses to test, namely:
(a) There is no relationship between the postgraquate students' academic characteristics (i.emasters, Ph.D, fust-year, second
year etc.) and their knowledge, perception and rating of the resources and services available in Moi Library.
(b) There is no relationship between the post-gradt1ate students'academic characteristics and their information seeking characteristics. Objectives of the Studywere:-
1. To determine the academic characteristics of post-graduate students at Kenyatta University.
2. To identify the post-graduate students' frequency of use of available information resources and services at Kenyatta University library.
3. To describe the post-graduates' knowledge, perceptions and rating of the resources and services at Kenyatta University Library (Moi Library).
4. To find out ifthere is anyrelationship between post-graduate students' academic characteristics and information seeking characteristics.
5. To find out how the rating ofresources and services in Moi Library influences the post-graduate students' information seeking characteristics.
Data were collected from both primary and secondary sources in order to address the issues above. Using random sampling, masters and Ph.D students were selected and a questionnaire was used to elicit data on academic characteristics, perception and rating of resources and services, and the information seeking characteristics of the students. A balanced view was sought by randomly sampling and administering a questionnaire to library staff who deal directly with the students. Interviews with the university librarian, the deputy university librarian and other library staff were arranged and carried out to elicit data to fill in the gaps. Secondary sources used were mainly university calendars and Iibrary files. Data processing and analysis used techniques such as frequencies, percentages, tables, graphs and diagrams.
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