A study of the Operations of the KpangaKabonde Functional Adult LiteracyProgramme in Pujehun District,Southern Sierra Leone
Sierra LeoneSynopsis
One of the issues that h~s gained increasing international attention and concern in educational debates and conferences is that of non-formal education and development. The basic emphasis in this type of education is th~ spreading of education over the individual·s life-span in order ta incorporate a wider range of provision to meet his over all develofment needs. In view of the above, rural poverty is crowned as one of the greatest problems of world-wide concern that shackles onethird of the world's population. Various dimensions of poverty have created economic gaps between nations, cities and rural areas as well as categorising people into the 'haves· and 'havenets·. To break this cycle therefore, the role of education seems to offer potentials of practical values to those who grapple with problems of rural poverty. Non-formal educational programmes can thus serve to increase the skills and productivity of the rural masses to effect their development (Coombs and Ahmed,197 4) .