The idea of organizations pooling resources together in a district or region towards improving or raising the health status of their people is gradually being appreciated to be yielding synergistic results than a single organisation alone could have
achieved. To obtain optimum health status for a whole district, community or family, several factors come into focus and all of
these need to be harnessed. Such factors like Education,Environmental Cleanliness, Good Housing and Health Care, can hardly
be delivered fully by just one organisation. The coming together of several sectors, both governmental and non-governmental to achieve some stated objective, through the pooling of their resources together, is what is referred to asInter-Sectoral Cooperation. It yields synergies that one sector alone may not be able to achieve by reason of lack of expertise, capital, and the multi-faceted approach to solving today's complex health problems particularly, trying to improve the total health
status of a communiy.
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