Human Resources Development in Nigeria: a Case Study of Ebonyi State Civil Service 1996-2004
Human Resources Development, Nigeria, Case Study, Ebonyi State, Civil Service 1996-2004Synopsis
This study examines the state of human resources development in Ebonyi State Civil Service from 1996 to 2004. Specifically, the study sets out to: (1) find out whether the Civil Servants in Ebonyi State are availed of the opportunity for staff development; (2) Investigate the attitude and disposition of the higher civil servants towards staff development in the state (3) Determine the extent to which money constraints have affected staff development; (4) ascertain the level of encouragement given by the political leadership towards staff development: (5) find out the extent of political interference and control of the state civil service and consider the effects on the service. To achieve these set out objectives, systems approach to training by G.A. Eckstrand (1964) was employed. This involved defining training objectives, developing criterion measures for evaluating
training; deriving training contents; designing methods and training materials; integrating training programmes and trainees, etc. The study shows amongst other findings that there are reasonable number of staff development programmes in Ebonyi State for Civil Servants; though money constraints and ignorance on the part of some higher Civil Servants hinder effective implementation of training and development programmes in the state. In spite of these hindrances, the study also reveals
that political leadership in Ebonyi State encourages staff development, and Civil Servants are availed of the opportunity for staff development. However, despite the fact that higher Civil Servants in Ebonyi State show positive disposition towards staff development and carefully monitor and appraise the Civil Servants
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