The refugee as a person: a case study of Rwandese refugees in Mbarara district, western Uganda
Refugee, ethics, indigenous population, recommendations, rwandese, freedom, UgandaSynopsis
This thesis is a case study of Rwandese refugees who came to Uganda
and stayed in Oruchinga Refugee Settlement in Mbarara District from
1959 up to 1994. The fundamental problem tackled is that of treating
refugees as people of low esteem. This resulted in a strained
relationship between the local people and refugees.
So the hypothesis given in this thesis is that there is a need to
enlighten both the refugees and the local people so that they are in
position to behave well towards one another and to honour each
other's human dignity. Each individual needs his due recognition-as
a person. So in addition to catering for the material needs of
refugees the non-material aspect also needs to be attended to
especially the moral virtue of reconciliation. and carrying out
rational actions rather than emotional actions which are geared by
suspicion and prejudice.
Under the scope of the study. emphasis is put on the actions that
have moral implications and values. Four concepts are used to
provide the basis for the development of the thesis. that is.
freedom. human rights. the person and identity. Some observation is
also made on circumstances under which both refugees and the local
people were acting under compulsion due to hard conditions of living.
The context of the study is the relationship between the refugees and
the local people.
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