Malawi is a small land-locked developing country in Central Africa lying between the latitudes of 9°45' and 17°16' South and longitudes of 32° and 36° East. It is bordered by Zambi a in the west, Tanzania in the north and northeast and Mozambique in the east, south and southwest (Figure l). Total land area for Malawi is 11.8 million hectares, 20 percent of which is water surface.2 Administratively Malawi is divided into three regions: the Northern, Central and Southern Regions with Mzuzu, Lilongwe and Blantyre as the Regional cities, respectively (Figure l). The country's population was estimated at 8.0 million people in 1987 giving an average population growth rate of 3.7 percent per annum during the 1977-1987 period. The overall population density in lQ87 was 85 persans per square kilometre (km2 ) as compared to 59 persons/km2 in 1977.
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International Baby Food Action Network (IBFAN) African News. Country Reports. Nairobi: IBFAN African News, (1986).
Johnson D.T. The Business of Farming: A Guide to Farm Business Management in the Tropics. London and Basingstoke: The Macmillan Press Ltd., 1982.
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Kanyenda, M. "Effectiveness of Field Livestock Extension Strategies in Malawi". Paper presented at the l st National Workshop on Livestock Production in Malawi, University Great Hall, Chancellor College, Zomba, 3-9 January 1988.
Killick, Tony. Policy Economies: A Textbook of Applied Economies on Devel opi ng Countri es. London: Heinemann Educational Books Ltd., 1981; reprint ed., New Hampshire: Heinemann Educational Books Inc., 1983.
Lines, D., and Luteijn, H.M. The Smallholder Dairy Scheme in -Malawi. Assistance to Li vestocl< Deve I opment; FAO Project MLW 75/020. Lilongwe: Extension Aids Branch, 1988.
. Liwimbi, D.L. Malawi Dairy Industries Ltd., Lilongwe. Interview, 1988.
Makumba, E.B. 11An Economie Analysis of the Factors Affecting Smallholder Farm Incarne in South
West Mzimba-11• M.Sc. dissertation, University of Wales, 1979.