The African Union and New Strategies for Development in Africa


Saïd Adejumobi
Adebayo Olukoshi


African Union


CODESRIA, 2009, 318 p. ISBN:996672663-2

The early twenty-first century witnessed remarkable attempts by Africa’s political leadership to promote regional integration as a means of fast-tracking economic progress, facilitating peace and security, consolidating democratic gains, and promoting the general welfare of the African people. The transition of the Organization of Unity (OAU) to the African Union (AU), as well as the foisting of a new economic blueprint for the continent-the New Partnership for Africa’s Development (NEPAD)- combined with the growing role of the regional economic communities (RECs) in harmonizing and creating subregional norms and standards in the political and economic arena suggests a new trend towards regionalism in Africa.

However, the current regional trend in Africa has received very little scholarly attention especially in a systematic and comprehensive way. This is due partly to the fact that the processes are currently unfolding and there is still uncertainty in the outcomes. Poor documentation and the dearth of primary materials (especially from the regional institutions) also contribute to the lack of scholarly work in this area. This study assembles the voices of some of the most seasoned African and Africanist scholars who have constantly, in one way or another, interacted with the integration process in Africa and kept abreast of the developments therein. The essence of this book is to analyze those processes-teasing out the issues, problems, challenges, and major policy recommendations, with tentative conclusions on Africa’s regional development trajectory. The book, therefore, fills major knowledge and policy gaps in Africa’s regional development agenda.

The book constitutes a major reference material and compendium for a wide range of readers-students and scholars of African affairs, policy makers, and all those interested in the past, present and future of Africa’s development process.


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Author Biography

Adebayo Olukoshi

is a Distinguished Professor at the Wits School of Governance, University of Witwatersrand in South Africa. In 2021, Professor Olukoshi was appointed to the board of the Goodluck Jonathan Foundation. He holds a PhD in Politics from the University of Leeds. He has more than 35 years of experience in areas of international relations, governance, and human rights, both in the academic sector and intergovernmental institutions. Professor Olukoshi was a member of the African Union Assessment Panel and Chair of the Board of several think tanks, including the European Centre for Development Policy Management and the West African Civil Society Institute. He also previously served as the Director, Regional Office for Africa and West Asia of the International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance (Sweden); Director of the UN African Institute for Economic Development and Planning (IDEP); Executive Director of the Africa Governance Institute; Executive Secretary of the Council for the Development of Social Science Research in Africa (CODESRIA); Director of Research at the Nigerian Institute of International Affairs; Senior Research Fellow/Research Programme; Coordinator of the Nordic Africa Institute (NAI) in Uppsala; and Senior Programme Staff at the South Centre in Geneva. He has published extensively on the politics of economic relations, governance, and development, as well as on African higher education and development. Prof. Olukoshi’s report ‘The Elusive Prince of Denmark: Structural Adjustment and the Crisis of Governance in Africa’ (NAI Research Report n° 104) is among his most impactful publications.


February 7, 2010

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