Séquestration du carbone et gestion intégrée des ressources forestières: cas de la forêt urbaine de Mbao (Dakar).
Mbao classified forest, climate change, integrated management, carbon sequestration, SenegalSynopsis
The effects of climate change become a global concem. Here in senegal, adaptation and
mitigation strategies are developed to deal with this _phenomenon. The objective of this study
is to evaluate the pot~ntial of carbon sequestration in the forest reserve Mbao (Dakar) and its
contribution to the socio- economic life of local residents. Following a stratified, systematic
floristic inventory based on the different vegetation and land use (plantations of Eucalyptus sp
plantations Anacardium occidentale degraded plantations Anacardium occidentale closed,
wooded park under rainfed crops and market garden) with the use of allometric models (three
models we have compared and selected the model of Chave and al 2005). The quantification
of the total carbon of the forest is estimated at 30069.11 tons of carbon, the woody
~boveground biomass is 6340 tons of carbon equivalent to 9 .66 t / ha. Stratum of Eucalyptus
sp. sequesters more carbon per hectare (23.77 tons) while that of vegetables marked by
agricultural activities in receivership lowest (0.5 t / ha). Forecasts carried out show that this
forest containing such a carbon source would lose half of its stock over a period of 100 years
if the trend continues. Also a socio -economic study has allowed us to understand the layers of
vegetable and rainfed crops contribute significantly to the improvement of living conditions
of the population but have very low potential for sequestration.
Finally, an integrated approach to forest management has been proposed to permanently
preserve this massif.
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