Caractérisation de la position de la Zone de Convergence Inter-Tropicale (ZCIT) et ses conséquences sur la disponibilité des ressources halieutiques en Afrique occidentale


Université de Cocody UFR des Sciences de la Terre et des Ressources Minières


Ressources halieutiques, poissons, ressources pélagiques, Afrique


The study contributes to the knowledge of interactions that affect living marine resources and
in particular Atlantic pelagic species. We are mainly interested ourselves in the temporal
distribution of pelagic resources and also to the latitudinal movement of the Inter Tropical
Convergence Zone (ITCZ).
Results have shown that the inter-annual anomalies of temperature in the Gulf of Guinea are
linked to the ITCZ's position that itself is in relation with rains regulations on the African
This latitudinal position of the ITCZ has been appreciated thanks to the Precipitation Radar
(PR) data by the way of satellite TRMM Online Visualisation and Analysis System (TOY AS)
interface. The PR and the A VHRR from NOAA data processing has permitted to:
prove the ITCZ latitudinal position,
decelerate the link between the SST and the presence of pelagic species,
establish relationship between the ITCZ, the SST and pelagic resources.
The comparison of fish captures respectively 31,563.83 tons ( 1999-2000, during La Nina) and
20,009.59 tons (1997-1998, during El Nino) have confirmed high fish captures during colder
One of the main results acquired in that study is to establish a relationship between the ITCZ,
the SST and the availability of pelagic resources in the ivorian marine environrnent.
ln fact, the migration of the ITCZ in certain moments of the year favours ice waters raising,
contributing significantly to the enrichment of the marine circle. These results are important
taken into account the importance of fishing result of species, in particular the Sardinella
aurita in the economy of many countries bording the Gulf of Guinea. A farthermost and
regular study of West African coast by satellitary picturing, necessary appears necessary to
understand and to shape, in order to order to better know pelagic fishes in the upwelling food
supply of ecosystems.


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March 18, 2008

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Physical Dimensions