The role of internal auditing in the local government financial management: a case study of Isi-Uzo Local Government of Enugu State
Auditing, financial management, local government, accounting, audit offices, Enugu State, NigeriaSynopsis
Internal Auditing is an independent appraisal activity
within an organiz~tion for the review of operations as a
service to management. It is a managerial control, which
functions by measuring and valuating the effectiveness of
other controls11
Internal auditing appeared on the business scene much
later than auditing by public accountants. The principal
factor in its concerning employing thousands of people and
conducting operations from widespread locations. ''Defalcations
and improperly maintained accounting rewords were obvious
problems under these circumstances and the growth in the
volume of transaction presaged a substantial bill for public
accounting services for the business that endeavoured to
solve the problem by continuing the traditional form of
audit by the public accountants" .. 2
The solution was, of course, to provide the needed
auditing service on an internal basis, particularly as the
magnitude of the problem made it possible for one or more
persons to specialize in such auditing services and devote
their full time to the needs of a single organisation.
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