The non-response to development programmes: a case study of sheet raising in grand cape mount country, western Liberia
Development policy, technological change, agricultural innovations, sheep, farming systems, farmers, sheep Raising, LiberiaSynopsis
Even· though· attempts ! have been made to fully involve the rural poor in the
implementation, decision-making, benefit sharing, and eval.uation processes of their
own development programmes, the mqwn cooperation and participation expected
. '
from the beneficiaries still remain a problem:
The main purpose of this study has been to investigate the reasons for the nonresponse
of farmers to development programmes with special reference to sheep
raising in Grand Cape Mount County, (9RVering Gohn Zodua, Bomboja and Fali
Communities), in Liberia.
To achieve the above objective,. data were collected on the personal and situational
characteristics of,farmer respondents and aspects relating to their agricultural systems.
Information was also I generated on respondents enlistment, involvement . and
participation in decisio11 making and knowledge of sheep raising technologies. Such
information was elicited from eighty (.80) project participants who were randomly
selected from three communities (Gohn '~odua, Bomboja, and Fali) in two districts,··
using the list of farmers who have been participating in the project.
In order to enhance the reliability of the data collected, several data collection methods
were used. The main methods of data collection have been questionnaires, oral
interviews, informal . discussions, and thy review of projects reports and doclllllents~
national and international literature.
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