Depressive Mood, Self-Concept, Locus of Control and Adolescent Substance use in Nigeria
Depressive Mood, Self-Concept, NigeriaSynopsis
This study investigated the relationship between depressive mood', Self-concept, Locus of ontrol and adolescent Substance· use in Nigeria. Using four instruments namely, The Ceii'ter For Epidemiological Studies depression Scale, Ezeilo Semantic Differential Self-concept Scale, · Norwick-Strickland Locus Of Control Scale and the Substance Use Inventory, the study which
had five-hundred and thirty-six senior secondary school students (boys and girls) as participants found:
a) a mild positive relationship (.23) between depressive mood and substance us.e
b) a low positive relationshiJ? (.06) between self concept and adolescent substance use
c) a low positive relationship (.107) .between locus of control and ado le.scent substance use.·On the gender differences, thestudy found that; .