Family role overload and casework treatment techniques : an evaluative study in Enugu local government area
Family role overload, treatment techniques, local government, NigeriaSynopsis
The study is aimed at finding out the factors and candi tians that would aff.ect the client~' perception of the effectiveness of casework services in Nigeria oe iv The population for the study is 412 persans. This is made up .of 400 couples ·from Asata, Uwani, New Heaven and Ogui New Layout who have received casework services from Enugu Welfare Agency from 1988 to 1991 as a result of family role overload. The population is also made up of all the 12 Social Welfare Officers from salary grade level 08 to 16, who are working in Enugu Welfare Agency. The respondents are 212 persans, made up of a random sample of 200 spouses (100 couples), and the 12 Social Welfare Officers from grade level 08 to 16 working in Enugu·Welfare Agency. The questionnaire method of data collection is used. In addition, Enugu·Welfare Agency case records are also utilized. In the study, :f_<)~.'~f'.· hypotheses are used, hypotheses 1, a and 4 are supported, while hypotheses 3 is not supported~ The major findings in the study are that socio-economic level, type of casework services, ·and quality of interaction are not related to the respondents' perception of casework effectiveness, while the variable sex is related.
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