EEC and ACP relations: the implications of Lome iv convention provisions on trade and aid for the Nigerian economy
EEC and ACP relations:, implications, Lome iv convention provisions, Nigerian economySynopsis
The gsnesis of the relationship between Nigeria and the Euro:pean Economie Community could be traced to 1966 whèn Nigeria first signed an. agre.ement _wi th the Communi ty whicli was not ra.tifîed... Howeverl'I wi th the
entry of Britain in the EEC in 1973, Nigeria was one of the Anglophone Countries which .entered the.EEC -.ACP Partnershipat this timë and was inyolved in the succesaful· negotiation of the LoW.:i' I. convention which · ·was signed on 28 February 1975P Subsequently0 she-was invo~>~ecl. in the-negotiationa and sigriing of Lome' Treaties in 1980, 1985 and 1'9,90 .. other The focus of this study is on the major provisions of the fourth Lqme' Conventiofj signed in 1990,. and their relevancè or lack of i t. for the Nigerian economy., . The se prm,isions that are analysed are mainly in the areas of Trade co-operation .and financial arrangements which we oonsider as the Lynchpin of the Lo~' · Conventi_ons .. The research problem of this stU1~Y consista of an 3-nalysis of the pro;visions of Lome' Ïv Convention·:~iith -regards to trade and Aid and to find. out from s·uch analysis if these .provisions hold out much· hope for the Nigerian economy~ or if there are basic problems inher8nt in these provisi·ons which may a.ffêot the Nigerian economy a.dversely if and when 'impl.,emented.. The question posed ·by this study is: - Are the Lorne' .Il
Convention Provisions on trade a..~d Aid capable of boosting Nigeria's trada. with the EEC and ancouraging its economic performance? In -order to answer the question .set abo'I.·~, the ·s'tudy procaedad wi th a hypothesis that:
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