An Evaluative Study of Child Welfare Services of Adoption in Enugu State
An Evaluativ, Adoption, Enugu State, Child WelfarSynopsis
This atudy was concerned w1th the evaluation of the Child lllalfara 6orvic1Je1 at' Adoption in 1::nugu State, Tho basic aim of the study was to determine tho adequacy aid effectiveness of adoption ssrvices randerud to the adoptive clients by the Enugu State adaptive agency with "' viilw to identifying the inherent constraints and problems of
th,~ agency so as to make suggestions that can facilitatB EJ1d enhEJ1ce the opa1:ation s of tho adoptive agan cy.
Thu study covered all the three iJBnatoriBl zones of Enugu state, namely: Enugu, Nsukka and Abakaliki. In order to guide the study, four hypotheses ware teated, Four diffarunt sets of questionnaires were used ta collect data for the
study, Thu finding~ of the study showed that the level of services offurud by th,J social worl,ers or the adoptive agency did not enhance thu success of the adoption programme in the State, The objective of "cioption programme, as pur-suBd by the stata adoptive agency wasn r,rro ,., and considerably limi tad the scope of operation of thu
u Llnp tion "gen cy. Other major findings of the study are "s follows: ( a) uick of Funds, mabili tv problems, lack of trained social workers und lack of knowledge or what to do greatly constrained the eff'activeness or· adoption programme. ( b) Masses of thn State generally lack awareness, and are largely ignorant about adoption programme due ta ineffective information itrategiea <Tid channels For informing and educating the masses about adoption,
(c) Cultural/traditional factors and lack of awareness accounted moro:, For the negative perception of adoption in the state tha, the religioue factors.
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