Rehabilitation Programme for the Socially Deviant Adults: A Case Study of Nsukka Prisons


EZEUGWU, Hyginus Chukwuka


Rehabilitation, Socially, Nsukka Prisons, ocial welfare programmes, the administration


The need to rehabilitate socially deviant adults has always been one of the major cencerns of social workers and
government agencies involved in the social welfare programmes. This work is therefcre designed to examine and evaluate the administration of re~:abilitatinn programme for the socially devi,mt adults 61f Nsukka prisons of r::nugu state. The researcher _through .. the effective deployment of the necessary tools for data collection amassed enough data that enabled him to come to the relevant findings about the topic. The prison adminis~rators through the effective integration of the interest and pers~,nal opinion of the inmates worked ut adequate rehabilitation programme for the prison 5.nmates. Unf•i,rtunately due to financial constraints and administrative lapses "this pregramme is found to be ·. less functional. Th? researcher considers the introduction of m0re programmes that are relevant to the previous job expe~ience..s l'Jf the prisoners very vital if meaningful and lasting rehabilitation exercise is .intended. This programme S.hfU!ld be ·weJ..ded int-, an enabling environment adequate soe1al structures for effective vecational training. A sustainable reha.bili tation programme iS a mirage if the prograrrane is not sufficiently funded and launched ®O ,adeq, ,qual1fied manpower base.


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July 7, 2023

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Physical Dimensions