The Collapse of Igbo Traditional Society in Achebe's Two Novels : Things Fall Apart and Arrow of God


FALL, Cheikh


Collapse, o Traditional Society




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I - Chinua ACHEBE

A.,. Novels

Thing~ Fall Apart - London - William Heinemann Ltd» 1958 11 150p.

Arrow of Gad - London - William Heinemann Ltdp 1964P 230p.

No Longe..r_At Ea§~ = London - William Heinemann Ltdp 1960p 150p •

. A Man of the Peopl~ = London ~ William Heinemann Ltd P ·1969 ;,


B - Short stories

Girls At War (and other staries) - Londonp Ibadanp Nairobi -

Heinemann 9 1972P 118p.

C - Essa;ys

Mo.r,ning Yet On Creation Da.z ~ Heinemann Educational Books Ltdp


D - Articles

Le fardeau de l'écrivain noir 11 in Présence Af'.ricainep n°59P

ème trimestrep 1966P p. 142-147.

"Obstacles au dialogue nord-~ud11 in Peuples N0rs/Peuples_Africain~

s n°11 11 sept-octobre 1979 1 p. 9=15.

The role of the wri ter in a new na tien 11 ~ in ,N_igeria Ma.gazj_ne 9

T. 81 9 196411 p. 157-160.

Where angels fear to tread 11 in Nigeria Magazi:QJb t. 75 11 1962 ~

p. 61--62.


A - Book§.

ANNIE (Moriceau) et ROUSSEAU (Alain) - Le Monde_s 1 effondre ~

Collecto Une oeuvre, un auteuro Editions Fernand

nathanp Nouvelles Editions Africaines sept 1983r- 96po

IMFELD (Al.) - Ecrivains Africains et leurs oeuvres - Berlin,

Koln 1964:-volo 3o

KI_LLAM (G. D.) - African Writers On African W:r:}-tingp Londo:1p

Heineman Educat~onal Books~ 1973P 1?2p.

KILLAM (G. D.) - The Writings of Chinua. Achebe. 9 London~ Heineman

Educational Books, 1969~ 133p.

LARSON (Charles) ·- The Emergenc~ of African Fi2tionp The

Macmillan Press Ltd, 1978p 348p.

LINDFORD (Bernth) /anÎNNES (T. Lo) - Critical Peyspectu_es qn

Chinua· Achebe~ Three Continents Pressp 19780

MELONE (Thomas) - Achebe et la tragAdie de l'h~§toire» Pr~sence

Africaine~ 19739 310p.

MOORE (Gerald) - Seven African Writers» London: Oxford University

Press ~- 1987 9 108p. and

RAVENCROFT (Arthur) ~ Chi:nJ!__a Acheb.3p Longmans~ Green/ Co.,


B - Article~

GLEASON (Judith) - "Out of the irony of words" in Transiti9n1

vol. N°4 1 1965P p. 34-38.

MOORE (Gerald) - 11 Ache be vs new novel ••• 11 in Tre,ps.i tion ~ voJ.. 4. P

n°14p 1964P po52o


ANOZIE (O. Sunday) ~ Sociologie du roman afric~,in»' Edit. Aubier~

Paris, 1979 9 . 276p.

BOWN (Lalage) ·- Two_JLenturies of African English ~ a survey and

anthology of non-fictional english prose by African

writers since 1969 ~ London 9 Heinemanp 1973» 216~.

CISSE (Marième) ~ The Tragic Vein in Achebe's Things Fall Apart

and Arrow of God; Universitê Cheikh Anta Diop de

Dakar~· sên§gal? Mémoire de Maitrise: présenté et

soutenu en 1987 9 136p.

DUERDEN (Denis) and COSMA (Pieterse) - African Wri ters Talki:g_g g

a collection of interviews P London 9 Ibadanp Nairobi 9

Heinemanp 1975 9 195po

MAKOUTA-MBOUKOU (Jean Pierre) - Introduction à la Litt6rature

li,Qirep Edit. Clép Yaoundé°;"Collection point de vUS-;

?0p 140p.

TA IWO ( Oladale) - An Introduction to West Afriqan Li ter a tu.:;.~London

g Nelson and Sons Ltd 9 1967 9 191po


ABDULLAH {Yusuf Ali) - The Holy ~~ 1st edition Wimbledon

Englandf November 14~ 1937, republished by Amana Corp.

Maryland (UoSoA.) 9 198Jp 1862p.

AZIKIWE (Nnamdi) - Renascent Africa; Accras 1937 9 re-édition

Frank Cass 9 Londres ~ 1968 9 313p.

BASDEN (Go C.) = Among the Ibos of Nigeria - Philadelphia J. B.

Lippincott C0 p 1921p 31bpo


July 7, 2023

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