Migraçao Inter-insular, Interacçao e Representaçoes Sociais: Relaçoes entre Moradores da Ilha da Boa Vista e Migrantes da Ilha de Santiago = Inter-insular Migration, Interaction and Social Representations: Relationships between People from Boa Vista and M
Migraçao Inter-insular, Boa Vista, SantiagoSynopsis
Intituled "Inter-insular Migration, Interaction Social Representations; Relationships between people from Boa Vista and Migrants from Santiago", the dissertation are the characterization and analysis as the main objectives of the interaction from the native population of the island Boa Vista with the migrant population of Santiago in that island. It search to analyse the attitude that the natives have towards the migrants and migrant's attitude towards the local society. Methodologically and in order to reach the specified objectives it was used a quantified boarding, supported by a documental research and resorting preferentially, as technique of gathering of datum, the semi-directives interviews realized with a group ofinterlocutors (migrants from Santiago and natives from Boa Vista). It was realized also a participant observation in public spaces where the groups in analysis interact. As regards the theoretical framing, they are emphasized the symbolical interactionism and the boarding of the social representation of Serge Moscovici and Denise Jodelet. It was done a reference to the perspective of Goffman, in particular hisconcept of Stigma. It was applied the theory of the established configuration-outsider developed by Norbert Elias. The results of the research allowed concluding that the social interaction between the two studied groups presents itself differentiated, according with the space of living together and the type of situation. However, this interaction, in most of situations expresses quarrels, tensions and conflicts among individuals of each group. It was observed the existence of the stigmatization from the people who live in Boa Vista with the migrants of the island of Santiago.