Examining Challenges of Policy Implementation: A Case Study of the Street Vending Policy in Blantyre, Malawi, 2002-2006


Bridget Matinga- Katundu


Challenges, Policy Implementation, Malawi


The broad problem in this study is that of the challenges of the implementation process. The assumption of this study is that the marginalisation of street vendors in the Blantyre City Council's street vending policy decision-making led to inappropriate policy decisions and policy implementation failure. The study therefore explores the challenges of policy implementation on Blantyre's street vending policy process in Malawi. The methodology used in this study is both qualitative and quantitative in nature. The study commenced with a literature review. Secondly, focus group discussions using semi structure checklist were conducted with key informants who are also stakeholders of the street vending policy. These included the Minister of Local Government in Malawi, Blantyre City Assembly (BCA) official and Street Vendor Association leaders. Thirdly, a survey questionnaire was used to interview street vendors. Fourthly, data was also collected using observations made during the study in which pictures were taken to aid in providing visual data substantiating what was observed. The study has employed theories such as policy cycle, Brinkerhoffs Task Framework and narrative policy analysis technique to provide direction in analysing the policy in question.


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July 20, 1995

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