The Railways Is A Factor In The British Colonial Control Domination And Exploitation Of The Zaria Province, 1902-1945
Railways, Factor In The British, Colonial Control, Exploitation, Zaria Province, 1902-1945Synopsis
and the operation o£ the. railways on the eeolll:lfl\Y and the society of colonicl. Zaria provin::e 1902-1945. e colonial state built the railways ostensibly ~ eff~t the ecmcaic '~:- grewtb and development. of· the Nort:hem protectorate of Nlgedae Mt:MeWr• 1n' the r,ratical and ccn:rete r:eality of the ~olonial era, the ra!tw~ys .. ~d out to be· the means through which tbe ~luses of the ?..aria provln:e 11e aha of this. s~y !s to shCM hew the colon!al st:Gto exr>loi~ ~
freight <:afJ!lCiiles of the railways to c:oer:ce and tum the Zade t>~ i,~to a giant exporter of agricul.tursl and industrial raw-aated.t!ls. ~ a JJet iap~rter of Srit1.«sh llallUfactul!'ed goods • lhis study will also s'hc'M that colonial exploitation wlr~ently resulted in the dislocation Mel the distorticn of the ec:mcuy a,nd the society of the Zada prov!nr:e. qbis disart!culated state of .effairs- perhaps bes.t acectmted £or. and explained the ~'\!!ral &tate d the im...noverl.shment,
pauperism, aml poverty that was the lot of. indigenous people \dlo bore tile brunt of British colonial imperialism i~ the ?.aria pravin:e.