Development of a nomination inventory and rating scale in a multiple criteria approach for identifying gifted children in Nigeria




Development of a nomination, rating scale, multiple criteria, identifying, children in Nigeria


Against the,backdrop of an,established·research need for investigati,ng the efficacy of tee.cher, parent and peer ratings of characteristics of g:i::fted cmi.ldren a.nd youths wi thtn. the framework of a multiple criteria identification scheme, this study was set ,out in the main to evaluate ratings of traits of giftedness in nominated outstanding students and to validate an identification procedure that would effer:tively corroborate such rating indices.
Eight research questions and another set of eight hypotheses posed for the study undergirded the basic assumption that rating exercises by Nigerian. teachers, parents and peers of outstanding students will reliably and effectively complement multiple criteria data in identifying gifted children. A survey approach,was designed in four phases during which a number of psychological measures were intermitently administered to a sample ·of 391 outstanding students, 675 teachers, 441 parents and 813 peers in order to collect relevant and extant data for the research. During the five phases of the identification exercise, six psychological instruments were used for screening.


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July 10, 2023


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