Perceptions obstétricales et itinéraire thérapeutique des gestantes dans le groupe akan en Côte-d’Ivoire : Une étude comparée des communautés akyé-bodin de Danguira et baoulé-swamlin de Taabo




Grossesse, morbidité, obstétrique, thérapie, groupes ethniques, Danguira, Taabo, Côte d'Ivoire


This study issuing on motherhood health was held within the counties of
Danguira and Taabo. This is a retrospective and transversal study. It is
compound of two hands, on one hand this is quantitative and on the another
hand qualitative. The chief targets are akyé-bodin and baoulé-swamlin
pregnant women who were questionned on. This tool empowered to collect
news on : the different ways of adopted supervising by some investigated
pregnant women, they were exhibited to morbidities, all the kinds of
nursings they benefited as soon as the support ways. The qualitative hand
allowed to collect deepened news as regards some topic aspects close to
some key people who are notabilities and of course thanks to individual
interviews and focus group. The "advisors women", the workers of modern
medical area (infirmary assistant) and as soon those of african traditional
medecine (tradipratician, matrone). Methodolical arsenal used enabled to
know that pregnant women watch pregnancy as an essential step in the life
of every woman. Regarded as a "gift of God", the expected child bears the
"happiness" of woman and her family. To look after their state, the
pregnant women mobilize at a time modern and traditional practicises. But,
those practicises are not always rightful to official health reproduction
rules. Consequently, they determine upcoming pregnancy morbidities.
While illness steps, the communities are organizing themselves throughout
social relations networks in order to provide various ways of assistances.


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June 1, 2013


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