The State and Economy in the Sokoto Caliphate: Policies and Practices in the Metropolitan Districts, C. 1804-1903 A.D


Kabiru Stilaiman thafe


Economic and social development, politics, economic structure, agricultural development, Rima Basin, Sokoto Califate, Nigeria


the study ls on the soclo-ecoilomic policles and ptactkes of thé Sokoto Caliphate wlth partlculat tefetertce to the Mettopolltart districts ln the perlod 1804 to 1903 A.D. The trtaln thtùst of the study ls to examine thè sodal and ecotiotnlc orlgins of the Callphate so as to have inslght irtto the social conditions that ptôduced the etortomic ptogranurte of the Callphate govetnmefit. This endeàvout involves looking trtto what the Caliphate govetntrtertt fourtd to be the condition of the ècoilofiiy Whêrt lt càfiie iilto betilg; and the nature artd slgrtif1tartcë of the policies it pursued irt the light of thé jihad ideals th.àt irtformed the ptogràmmes of the Càltphatê administràtlort. Wotds and deeds are treated he the corttext of changes or lack of them irt the social relàtlons of productiort. Our irtterttlon ls to illurninate the nature and signl.tlcartce of the soclo-econoitiic progress
btought abotit by the Caliphate governement ln the Mettopolitart districts of the Sokoto Caliphate. chaptet one· examines the polltical; social and ecotiotrtit sttuctutes of the political comtttunlties that fotftied the cote of the genesls of the Sokoto jihad movëtrtettt. The chàptet provides an instght into the poHtkal, social aftd ëtonomlt condltlorts which the Càilphatê leàdership round ttt the àtea hi which the MettopoHtart tâltiJhate Wàs to be situatèd. It fttrthet examhtés how the jihàd tttovetttent was relàted to the tohttadlctlôftS hi the sodal; etortomlc ànd polltkal stfUctt.ttës of thë t)ôlltles ôf the Rima Basin atea. 1ft thaptet two; atterttpts ate made to examine the êébnotttit ptogtati1filê bf the Caliphàte govetrttnent. This toctisês on the etbrtomic phtlosophy of the catlphàl léadetship thàt was ptopotittded during the eatly yeàrs ôf thë tttovêtrtetit attd thê flrst four detades of the taHphate. the chaptet\ thus; glves an instght irtto the social âfid ecottofüit bàsis of the caliphate. 


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·Mallam Abdu, (68 years, ·Interviewed at Waziri Junaid House, Gidadawa, Sokoto, June 1989).

Mallam Hamza Sa'i. (73 years, Interviewed at Gwadabawa, October 1987).

Mallam Bello --Wamakko, (58 years·,-·Interviewed at Wamakko, April 1989).

Alhaji Mamman Bature Shinkafi, (57 years, Interviewed at Shinkafi, March 1989).

Alhaji Bala Moyi, (64 years, Interviewed at Gidadawa, Sokoto, September 1989).

Mallam Sambo Wali (52 years, Interviewed at the University of Sokoto, now Usma1;1u Danfodio University, October 1987). ·

Mallam Sani Kaura-Namoda, (Interviewed at Kaura- Namoda, September 1987) ,-

Mallam Murtala Zawiyya (58 years, Interviewed several times between June 1987 and September 1990 at Zawiyya Gusau). · ·

Wakala Bawa Makeri, (46 years, Interviewed at Makera Tsafe, September 1989).

Group Interview: Makarantar Mallam Boyi, Kofar Atiku. Sokoto, September 1987. ·

Group Iµterview: Gidan Baban Sambo, Kofar Atiku, Sokoto, September 1987.

Group Interview: Makarantar Mallam Murtala Zawiyya. Gusau. September 1987.

Group Interview: Makarantar_ Mallam Babba, Kaura-Namoda; September 1987

Group Interview: Makerar Bawa , Tsafe, September 19.89.


July 11, 2023
