The study of socio-cultural and environmental factors of hypertension in Ibadan : an epidemiological approach OCTOBER,
The study of socio-cultural and environmental, epidemiological approach, investigate, social, cultural and physical environmentSynopsis
Emphasis over the years have been on the perceived pathological causes as been the sole cause of diseases. However,
there has been a growing concern to investigate the raie of man's social, cultural and physical environment in disease causation. This study then investigated the raie of socio-cultural and environmental factors in the etiology of hypertension. lt
was limited to Ibadan, the most populous city in black West Africa. Data was collected through the survey method. A standard
questionnaire was designed, and also supplemented by oral interview. 1 nformation was gathered at the University College
Hospital, Ibadan. ln addition, we visited some traditional homes to get our required number of respondents. Major findings of the study include the following: females are more hypertensive than males; advancement in blood pressure is as a result of advancement in age; married people are more prone to hypertension;. hypertension permeates ail occupational
groups but more in high class jobs; there is a positive correlation between high social status and hypertension. Furthermore, spatial distribution of the illness reveals that they are most common in
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