Incidence of induced abortion among adolescents in Port Harcourt city: knowledge attitude and practice
Abortion , contraceptive methods , sex education , sexual behaviour , pregnancy , induced abortion , unwanted pregnancy , Port Harcourt , NigeriaSynopsis
This study which involv.ed 752 adolescents aged 13-24 years has attempted to examine the knowledge, attitude and practice of induced abortion in Port Harcourt City. In all, six hypotheses were tested using logistic regression model. The study found that the rate of sexual activity and sexual networking among the adolescents is high. Contraceptive use is low and condoms and pills were the most _common modem contraceptives used. Other traditional methods like alcohol, wHIte._quilline, lime, herbs etc. were. also used. It was also found that the rate of abortion practice is high and the estimated rate of abortion is 15 % . In all, about 90% of the girls who get pregnant out of wedlock resort to abortion, and the major reason for pregnancy termination is the desire to remain in school. We also found that those who have had induced abortion also experienced abortion complications and most of them did not receive proper post-abortal counselling. Private hospitals and pharmacist shops were found to be the major sources of abortion and contraceptive services. ...
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