Peace, Security and Post-conflict Reconstruction in the Great Lakes Region of Africa
Peace, Security, Post-conflict, Region of AfricaSynopsis
The Great Lakes region of Africa is characterized by protest politics, partial democratization, political illegitimacy and unstable economic growth. Many of the countries that are members of the International Conference on the Great Lakes Region (ICGLR) which are: Burundi, Angola, Central African Republic, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Republic of the Congo, Kenya, Uganda, Rwanda, Sudan, South Sudan, Tanzania, and Zambia, have experienced political violence and bloodshed at one time or another. While a few states have been advancing electoral democracy, environmental protection and peaceful state building, the overall intensity of violence in the region has led to civil wars, invasion, genocide, dictatorships, political instability, and underdevelopment. E orts to establish sustainable peace, meaningful socio-economic development and participatory democracy have not been quite successful. Using various methodologies and paradigms, this book interrogates the complexity of the causes of these con icts; and examines their impact and implications for socio-economic development of the region. e non-consensual actions related to these con icts and imperatives of power struggles supported by the agents of ‘savage’ capitalism have paralysed e orts toward progress. e book therefore recommends new policy frameworks within regionalist lenses and neo- realist politics to bring about sustainable peace in the region.
Une cinquantaine d’années de conflits et de violences dans la région des Grands Lacs africains
Contemporary Theories of Conflict and their Social and Political Implications
La stratégie de diversification économique des pays des Grands Lacs, facteur de stabilité et de développement : une analyse du Burundi, du Congo et de la République Démocratique du Congo (RDC)
Land Resource, Livelihoods and Ethnic Mobilisation: A Comparative Study of Two East African Locations
Théorie critique et espace public: analytique de la gouvernementalité dans la communauté des pays des Grands Lacs
Land Politics and Conflict in Uganda: A Case Study of Kibaale District, 1996 to the Present Day
Interdépendance économique et paix dans la région des Grands Lacs africains
From Conventional Towards New Frames of Peace Journalism: The Cases of Uganda and Burundi
Conflits armés et exploitation forestière en République Démocratique du Congo (RDC) : Pour une action environnementale régionalement intégrée
Endangered Peace: Stocktaking from the Case of Post-massacre Mucwini, Northern Uganda
Etats des Grands Lacs et privatisation de la sécurité : quel enjeu pour la gouvernance ?
Promouvoir la culture de la paix dans l’Afrique des Grands Lacs à travers des programmes radiophoniques : une évaluation de trois expériences
Conclusion: Where Do We Go from Here?
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